October 13, 2014
1 min read

Lutein, zeaxanthin improves reaction time

Researchers have found that supplementation with lutein and zeaxanthin improved visual processing speed and visual motor behavior.

To assess the effects of the carotenoids, Bovier and colleagues measured macular pigment density, critical flicker fusion thresholds and visual motor reaction time in 92 young, healthy subjects, according to the study published in PLOSOne.

Changes in these outcome variables were evaluated before and after 4 months of supplementation with either a placebo in 10 participants, zeaxanthin only (20 mg daily) in 29 patients or a mixed daily supplement containing 26 mg of zeaxanthin, 8 mg of lutein and 190 mg of mixed omega-3 fatty acids in 25 participants.

According to the study, critical flicker fusion thresholds significantly increased for subjects in the treatment groups, and those in the placebo group had no significant changes in reaction time.

The researchers explained that the visual stimuli used in this experiment were specifically designed to test central measures of visual processing.

“In sum, these results are consistent with a role of lutein and zeaxanthin in visual processing speed and visual motor behavior,” the researchers concluded. “The mechanism responsible for such changes is likely different from common pharmaceutical approaches (like caffeine) and may involve more fundamental changes to cellular connectivity.”

Disclosures: Bovier has no financial interests to disclose. Renzi is currently an employee of Abbott Nutrition. Abbott Nutrition did not contribute to this study in any way. At the time this work was complete, Renzi was solely an employee of the University of Georgia. Hammond has received speaker fees from ZeaVision, LLC.