NAD recommends J&J discontinue advertising claim, J&J responds
The National Advertising Division has recommended that Johnson & Johnson Vision Care discontinue a comparative advertising claim that Alcon Dailies Total1 “felt stuck to my eye.”
As part of a study, the National Advertising Division (NAD) explained in a press release, participants wore a pair of the Total1 lenses for 1 week and Johnson & Johnson Vision Care’s 1-Day Acuvue Moist lenses for the same time period and were asked a series of questions regarding their experience with the lenses.
NAD noted in the press release that it did not take issue with the study methodology.
In particular, NAD was concerned with the use of this closed-ended question: “When I removed the study contact lenses, they felt stuck to my eye.” NAD was “concerned that the use of the closed-ended leading question characterizing the difficulty of removal with the words ‘stuck to my eye’ – strong words that were not provided independently by the study participant – undermined the reliability of this study to support the claim,” as stated in the NAD press release.
Johnson & Johnson Vision Care said in its response to NAD’s claim that J&J “is pleased that NAD has found its study methodology reliable and agreed that ‘all pertinent criteria were observed’ in its study. While Johnson & Johnson Vision Care disagreed with some of NAD's other conclusions, the company appreciates the opportunity to participate in the self-regulatory program and will take NAD’s recommendations into account in formulating future advertising.”