July 05, 2013
1 min read

Tomey introduces two new diagnostic products

SAN DIEGO – At Optometry’s Meeting, Tomey announced its release of two new products: RT-7000 auto ref topographer and EM-3000 specular microscope. The RT-7000 possesses three functions – refractometer, keratometer and topographer – in one instrument. Senior citizens and children can be tested with ease because the seat no longer has to be moved for the three different measurements. The capability to measure the level of corneal irregular astigmatism expands the functions of the keratometer with its indices of Kerato-Asymmetry Index (KAI) and Kerato-Regularity Index (KRI). The corneal topographer contains a tear stability analysis system (TSAS) mode for dry eye, various color maps, contact lens fitting simulation and a corneal eccentricity index (CEI) for orthokeratology lenses. The EM-3000 specular microscope with corneal endothelium photographing and automatic analysis has also been released. This new specular microscope has serial photographing of 15 shots, wide photographing range of 0.25 x 0.54 mm, seven capturing positions, manual photographing when automatic photographing is difficult, various display functions, automatic analysis of corneal endothelium cells and a new dark area analysis.