May 13, 2011
1 min read

Better Business Bureau recommends contact lens maker discontinues some claims in new ads

NEW YORK — The National Advertising Division of the Council of Better Business Bureaus determined that Johnson & Johnson Vision Care can support certain superiority claims in advertisements for Acuvue Oasys but recommended that the manufacturer discontinue other claims, according to a press release from the industry group.

“The claims at issue were challenged by CIBA Vision Corp.,” according to the National Advertising Division (NAD) press release.

After review of one advertisement, the “NAD determined that Johnson & Johnson Vision Care’s (JJVC’s) superiority claims were adequately supported by evidence in the record,” referring to a JJVC comparative clinical study, according to the press release.

However, the NAD said there was no evidence to support the JJVC claim in the same advertisement that patients who wear monthly lenses are more prone to overwear their lenses than those with a 2-week replacement schedule.

Regarding another advertisement, the NAD recommended that JJVC discontinue a claim that “replacement frequency was nearly identical for patients wearing 2-week or 1-month lenses.”

JJVC, in its advertiser’s statement, said that while it disagreed with certain NAD findings, the company “will take NAD's view into account in formulating future advertising.”