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Wei-Chi Wu, MD, PhD
March 07, 2025
13 min read

Connection emerging between obstructive sleep apnea, ocular conditions

Regulatory/Legislative News

January 06, 2017
1 min read

Emixustat from Acucela granted orphan drug designation for Stargardt disease

The FDA has granted orphan drug designation to a drug candidate for the treatment of Stargardt disease, Acucela announced in a press release.

January 06, 2017
2 min read

Obama warns of ‘reckless’ plan to repeal ACA without a replacement

Obama warns of ‘reckless’ plan to repeal ACA without a replacement

President Barack Obama, JD, said it would be “reckless” for Republicans to repeal the Affordable Care Act without having a suitable replacement ready to go.


Wei-Chi Wu, MD, PhD
March 07, 2025
13 min read

Connection emerging between obstructive sleep apnea, ocular conditions

January 06, 2017
2 min read

Lucentis receives FDA approval to treat myopic choroidal neovascularization

Genentech announced the FDA approved Lucentis for the treatment of myopic choroidal neovascularization, the fifth FDA-approved indication for the drug.

January 03, 2017
6 min read

Physician, heal thyself, but be aware of the antitrust laws

Physician, heal thyself, but be aware of the antitrust laws

From international law firm Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP comes a timely column that provides views on current regulatory and legislative topics that weigh on the minds of today’s physicians and health care executives.

December 31, 2016
2 min read

Top 10 ophthalmology articles of 2016

Ophthalmology news in 2016 ran the gamut from important drug trials and approvals to studies regarding the cause and treatments of a multitude of ailments.

December 28, 2016
1 min read

BLOG: ReSTOR toric approval a major breakthrough

BLOG: ReSTOR toric approval a major breakthrough

Last week the FDA announced approval of the AcrySof IQ ReSTOR +3.0 D multifocal toric IOL in the U.S. with available toric powers ranging from about 0.6 D to about 2.0 D in the corneal plane (SND1T2-SND1T5 lenses, respectively). This approval is a major breakthrough for patients. As I have blogged before, patients with more than about 1D of corneal astigmatism were previously not well suited to multifocal implants which were available only in spherical powers. We have performed several studies in patient satisfaction using the MDbackline follow-up care system and shown that achieving “top box” satisfaction absolutely requires astigmatism to 0.5 D or less. That’s difficult to reach with a limbal relaxing incision in patients with higher cylinder but very achievable with a toric lens.

December 28, 2016
3 min read

What measures are you taking to prepare for MIPS?

What measures are you taking to prepare for MIPS?

I wish I could provide an intelligent response to this question. My office manager has been busily educating herself regarding the requirements and (hopefully) getting prepared to implement the required procedural infrastructure. That being said, my level of involvement in the process remains at this superficial level, at least for now. Hopefully, my confidence in my administrative staff to “get it right” will be well founded, or we will be in for a bit of a rude awakening.

December 28, 2016
10 min read

Medicare payment adjustments to be based on quality and cost

In October, the CMS released the final rule to implement the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015, effectively ending the SGR formula and introducing a new payment adjustment path for ophthalmologists who serve Medicare patients.

December 28, 2016
4 min read

A look at how MIPS will affect every ophthalmologist

A look at how MIPS will affect every ophthalmologist

The Merit-based Incentive Payment System, or MIPS, was scheduled to take effect Jan. 1. It will not be repealed by the incoming Republican Congress as it helped design it and voted for it.

December 27, 2016
1 min read

Health Canada approves Trab360 for open-angle glaucoma

Health Canada has approved the Trab360 trabeculotomy system, according to a Sight Sciences press release.

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