Top 10 ophthalmology articles of 2016
Ophthalmology news in 2016 ran the gamut from important drug trials and approvals to studies regarding the cause and treatments of a multitude of ailments.
Here are the top 10 most read stories in ophthalmology this year on
1. FDA approves Raindrop near vision inlay for presbyopia
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the Raindrop near vision inlay for implantation in the cornea to improve near vision in some patients with presbyopia. Read more.
2. OSN Premier Surgeon 300 Innovators in Refractive Cataract Surgery
What is the Premier Surgeon 300? Simply stated, the Premier Surgeon 300 is a list of premium refractive cataract surgeons the editors and publisher have identified as leading innovators in the field of refractive cataract surgery. Read more.
3. Xiidra first FDA-approved drug for signs and symptoms of dry eye disease
The FDA approved Xiidra for the treatment of signs and symptoms of dry eye disease in adult patients on July 11. Read more.
4. Lampalizumab offers realistic hope for atrophic AMD
Lampalizumab may offer hope for people affected by atrophic age-related macular degeneration. Phase 3 trials are ongoing, and research is focusing on identifying patients who may better respond to the treatment. Read more.
5. FDA approves Avedro’s cross-linking system for progressive keratoconus
The FDA has approved the KXL System and two photoenhancers for corneal collagen cross-linking treatment of progressive keratoconus, according to a press release from Avedro. Read more.
6. FDA approves Tecnis Symfony IOL for cataracts
The FDA has approved the Tecnis Symfony IOL for the treatment of cataracts, Abbott announced in a press release. The approval includes the Tecnis Symfony Toric IOL for people with astigmatism. Read more.
7. Anti-VEGF therapy did not maintain visual acuity gains in AMD patients at 5 years
Patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration who were treated with anti-VEGF therapy did not maintain visual gains at 5 years, according to the Comparison of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Treatment Trials results. Read more.
8. FDA approves BromSite to treat inflammation, prevent pain in cataract surgery
The FDA has approved BromSite to treat postoperative inflammation and prevent ocular pain in patients who undergo cataract surgery, according to a press release from Sun Pharma. Read more.
9. The six most common resident cataract surgery mistakes
There are quite a few pitfalls in learning cataract surgery, and after teaching more than 100 resident ophthalmologists over the past 16 years, I have found that the same types of mistakes tend to be made early in the learning curve, Uday Devgan, MD, wrote. Read more.
10. Regular cannabis use may cause alterat ions in vision
Regular users of cannabis can demonstrate a delay in transmission of action potentials by the ganglion cells compared with non-users, which could potentially cause alterations in vision, according to a study. Read more.