Ocular Surgery News U.S. Edition Current Issue
The following articles appeared in the print edition of Ocular Surgery News U.S. Edition.
Table of Contents
- 20/20, or it’s free?
- Alcon receives approval to market new single-piece IOL
- Correspondence
- Global results with single-piece AcrySof indicate good centration and low PCO rate Bob Kronemyer
- In memory of Dr. Budd Appleton Herve M. Byron, MD
- Industry news in brief
- Industry Pipeline
- ITC decision prompts eye center to import Nidek lasers
- Laser treatments for AMD show promise Irving J. Arons
- Link between Mooren’s ulcer, hepatitis C is questioned
- Mergers, Acquisitions, etc.
- One on One with Peter Choyce
- Ophthalmic Stock News
- PACs: money equals access, and access equals action Kevin Murphy
- Researchers consider current and future ways to cure haze
- Short-term data on ICL are favorable Rochelle Nataloni
- Teflon phaco tip performs cataract surgery through 1-mm incision Michela Cimberle
- TTT may effectively treat CNV, preserving the retina Michela Cimberle
- What’s hot in ophthalmic development?