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January 17, 2025
1 min read

Bausch + Lomb acquires Whitecap Biosciences

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Key takeaways:

  • The acquisition strengthens Bausch + Lomb’s clinical-stage pipeline.
  • Whitecap’s therapies are focused on glaucoma and geographic atrophy.

Bausch + Lomb acquired Whitecap Biosciences, including its two therapies for potential use in glaucoma and geographic atrophy, to strengthen its clinical-stage pipeline, according to a press release.

“Glaucoma treatment has always been focused on lowering IOP, but patients are still losing field of vision and quality of vision, especially in dim light conditions,” Yehia Hashad, MD, chief medical officer and executive vice president of research and development at Bausch + Lomb, told Healio. “Bausch + Lomb is investing in the first treatment that could potentially address both IOP and functional improvements.”

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Bausch + Lomb acquired Whitecap Biosciences.

Whitecap Biosciences completed phase 2 clinical trials investigating WB007, an alpha-2 adrenergic agonist, for the treatment of glaucoma. Further trials in glaucoma and GA are planned.

Yehia Hashad, MD
Yehia Hashad

As Healio previously reported, Bausch + Lomb is also collaborating with Character Biosciences to develop innovative treatments for age-related macular degeneration.

“Geographic atrophy is another area that still has unmet medical need despite the presence of approved treatments to slow progression,” Hashad said. “There is no medicine that has shown functional improvement in GA. There is also room for improvement on efficacy and safety. These are the areas we are targeting.”