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October 17, 2024
1 min read

Vision customization with Light Adjustable Lens delivers premium refractive outcome

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Key takeaways:

  • The Light Adjustable Lens allows for vision customization and fine-tuning of results.
  • Surgeons must prioritize ocular surface treatment and accurate refraction to yield the best outcomes.

The Light Adjustable Lens offers a level of vision customization that benefits both patients and surgeons, according to a presentation at Real World Ophthalmology.

The historical model of cataract treatment can sometimes lead to an unhappy patient for a number of reasons, ranging from unrealistic expectations to unexpected outcomes after surgery, Alison D. Early, MD, of Cincinnati Eye Institute, said. In these cases, solutions were traditionally limited to contact lenses or glasses, as well as whether the patient was a candidate for postoperative laser vision correction.

Cataract Surgery eye model
The LAL offers a level of vision customization that benefits both patients and surgeons.
Image: Adobe Stock

“What if there was a different way?” Early said. “The world’s first adjustable intraocular lens, the Light Adjustable Lens and now the LAL+, really delivers that refractive premium outcome for patients.”

According to Early, the Light Adjustable Lens (LAL, RxSight) allows surgeons to customize their patients’ vision in both eyes without compromising contrast while also avoiding glare and halos. The lens also allows for more time after surgery to fine-tune outcomes.

“It gives us a lot more bandwidth to satisfy those patients and their visual demands,” she said.

Early highlighted data from RxSight in which the LAL achieved an uncorrected visual acuity of 20/20 in 80.2% of patients.

“You can really see the difference, especially in that distance visual acuity compared to a number of the other premium lenses on the market,” she said.

To avoid potential pitfalls, ophthalmologists must treat the ocular surface before implanting the LAL, make sure the refraction makes sense and be aware of the retinal risks with the silicone lens. They must also prepare patients for a longer recovery period after surgery.

“This is a great option for technology-forward practices. It’s customized vision,” Early said. “It really returns some of the autonomy to the patient about what they want for their vision.”


  • PMCS-002: Clinical outcomes of patients bilaterally implanted with the commercially available RxSight Light Adjustable Lens (LAL).