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July 19, 2024
4 min watch

VIDEO: ONL1204 slows geographic atrophy lesion growth in phase 1b study

In this Healio Video Perspective from the ASRS meeting, Durga Borkar, MD, of Duke University Eye Center presents data from a phase 1b study investigating ONL1204, a Fas inhibitor, for geographic atrophy.

According to Borkar, the study had two components: an open-label dose-escalation study in which participants received one intravitreal injection of ONL1204 and a natural history and treatment portion in which GA lesion growth was monitored for 6 months before patients were randomly assigned to receive low-dose ONL1204, high-dose ONL1204 or sham.

The results were “very exciting and encouraging,” Borkar said, with ONL1204 demonstrating a reduction in the rate of GA lesion growth in both components of the study.