Yari Has Questions ...

June 22, 2024
6 min watch

Yari has questions for Sheri L. Rowen, MD: Know your market and find your entry point


Editor’s note: This is an automatically generated transcript, which has been slightly edited for clarity. Please notify editor@healio.com if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

Hi, I'm Yari, and I have questions. This is Dr. Sheri Rowan, and she has answers. And we're going to find out if they match. Hi, Sheri, thanks for joining me.

Hi, Yari, it's my pleasure.

Oh, I'm so happy to have you here.

Thank you.

Today, we're talking about innovation, and you are someone that has been involved in so many different cool technologies, and I would really love to know, what have you integrated into your practice recently that has you excited? What do you love?

Well, I love being able to offer amazing eye surgery. So, we specialize in cataract and refractive, and LAL+ is coming out this year. We have one patient that had it, and we will be — I'm actually doing all of my next one's this week, when we get home — I love the fact that they'll have perfectly clear vision. They'll have great intermediate and hopefully good near without a big compromise for their distance. So, I'm looking forward to seeing that. I also have integrated Miebo into my practice this pass year. And this year, we have seen a bigger uptake on dry eye treatment because people are tolerating that drop very well and getting great relief of symptoms, better staining patterns, etc. So, I'm very excited about that too.

Nice, that's great. So, that's what you’re doing. What about in the future? What do you have your eye on that you're tracking for future innovation that you are excited about?

Well, actually, I'm giving a talk here, and one of the things is the OmniVu Accommodating Lens. I mean, we have a lot of accommodating lenses in the pipeline. So, whichever one makes it and that we adopt will be so exciting because we really need to have something that gives patients back their range of focus without having to worry about compromises. The data on OmniVu has been terrific at 12 months. So, we will follow that and see. Everybody seems to be presenting some pretty good data on that. So that's great. The other one is laser scleral microporation, an erbium laser for reducing the ocular or scleral rigidity, which is impeding some of the lens movement, so the ciliary body can work better and create better lens excursion. And we've seen good two-year data on that as well. So, I'm very excited about some new presbyopia treatments.

Yeah, that's exciting. Yeah, addressing that ametropic, presbyopic patient population that's really just been in dire need of some sort of treatment option that really can help them to overcome…

Right, I have one more, Qlosi just got approved.

Okay, yeah that's great.

It's a drop. It's a 0.4% pilocarpine. It's neutral. It's PH-neutral. It's preservative free. It offers flexible dosing, so people can take it when they want it for their needs. It can be up to two times a day, and it has an 80% ability with binocular summation to see 20/40.

So cool.

So, I'm very excited about, and that will come out this year.

Nice, that's exciting. So, I think, you know, we have a lot of innovators that, you know, physician innovators, that are creating technologies and really want to understand, how do I get my idea from my head to the page and out into the market? And you have some experience with a product that you and your daughter have been working on. So, I'm curious, what advice would you offer to other innovators that have ideas that they want to actually bring to life?

Well, you have to look at what the market needs. It's market demand. and when my daughter came up with this idea — we've developed a disappearing zinc sunscreen, which it's not nano-particle, so it's very safe for the body, it's safe for the reefs, and it's actually great for out here. It was designed because she could not find something when she was pregnant to be able to safely apply. So, it was pregnant and nursing moms, but you could use it for kids and anyone, men, women alike, and it smells like lavender, and it's delicious. So now you have a great product. What do you do with it? That's the part that has been such a challenge because you have to go to social media. You have to go to digital media. It's all new formats that I am not as familiar with. She is. We have to have the right PR. We won a lot of awards right out of the gate. So that was great.


Thank you. But now you have to have capital because we developed three skews, the face, the body and the lip: Facebrella, Lipbrella, Bodybrella, and it's called Mama Sol, S-O-L.

That’s so cute.

So, I am still seeing how this will play out. She's very confident that we're going to create a community of women who will enjoy this, and then we do feel that women will be the ones that get their husbands to use it, their kids to use it, their mothers to use it. So, we know that about the women in the world. So, I'm excited to see how it goes for the next year.

Yeah, that's great. So, know your market, figure out your entry point into that and then focus and move forward.

And have some good capital behind you.

There you go. You have resources. All right, last question, probably the most important. If you were an ice cream flavor, what would you be and why?


 I love this question.

Well, I love mango. And sometimes, when I mango gelato, I'm just so happy because I love the flavor of mango. It's tropical, it's fresh and has a great color!

I love it. All great reasons.

And it tastes great.

Thank you, Sherri, for being here. I think you did a great job answering my questions. I feel like they matched. So, we did a great job.

Thank you, Yari.

I'd like to know what questions you have! We have questions. Doctors have answers. Let's connect. Thank you.