Preop LipiFlow improves meibomian gland function in patients with range of vision IOLs
Key takeaways:
- Eyes that received LipiFlow treatment before cataract surgery had improved meibomian gland scores compared with control eyes.
- The test group also had decreased corneal and conjunctival staining.
Presurgical treatment with LipiFlow improved meibomian gland function in patients with range of vision IOLs, according to a study.
Cynthia Matossian, MD, FACS, told Healio that her previous research demonstrated that vectored thermal pulsation before cataract surgery can alter the magnitude of astigmatism and how surgeons manage it.

“To further evaluate how vectored thermal pulsation treatment can affect cataract surgery outcomes, my colleagues and I recently conducted a rigorous prospective randomized clinical trial in patients with mild to moderate meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) who were undergoing cataract surgery with implantation of a range of vision IOL,” she said. “Although MGD can lead to suboptimal visual outcomes after cataract surgery in any patient, those selecting a presbyopia-correcting IOL are likely to have high expectations and be the most disappointed by a suboptimal outcome.”
Matossian and colleagues randomly assigned 121 patients with mild to moderate MGD and cataract to two groups; 117 eyes in the test group underwent LipiFlow (Johnson & Johnson Vision) treatment before cataract surgery and implantation with an extended depth of focus IOL, while 115 eyes in the control group did not undergo LipiFlow treatment.
After evaluation of both groups at 3 months postoperatively, the control group received LipiFlow treatment and was evaluated again at 4 months postoperatively.
At 3 months, eyes in the LipiFlow group experienced a greater improvement from baseline in total meibomian gland score compared with the control group (P = .046). The LipiFlow group had a lower incidence of being bothered by halos (P = .019), while the control group had a lower incidence of being bothered by multiple or double vision (P = .016).
At 1 month, eyes in the LipiFlow group experienced a decrease in corneal staining (P = .04) and conjunctival staining (P = .002) compared with the control group.
After eyes in the control group underwent LipiFlow treatment, they experienced improvement in vision (P = .03) and total meibomian gland score (P < .0001).
“Treating with LipiFlow before cataract surgery can optimize patient satisfaction by producing a healthier, more stable tear film,” Matossian said.