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March 15, 2023
1 min read

Light Adjustable Lens a ‘disruptive innovation’ in IOL technology

TAMPA, Fla. — The Light Adjustable Lens optimizes postoperative results after cataract surgery, a speaker said at the Telling It Like It Is meeting.

“All other cataract lenses are fixed, whereas the Light Adjustable is the first adjustable lens after cataract surgery, and it gives you monofocal technology with extended range, and the post-surgical adjustment is similar to fitting glasses or contacts,” Sheri Rowen, MD, FACS, said.

Cataract surgery being performed
The Light Adjustable Lens optimizes postoperative results after cataract surgery, a speaker said at the Telling It Like It Is meeting.
Image: Adobe Stock

The lens is not ideal for every patient. Those with pupils smaller than 6.5 mm, those who take photosensitive medications, those who are unable to come in for treatments and those who expect full range of vision in both eyes without glasses but are not interested in monovision should not receive the Light Adjustable Lens (RxSight).

However, the Light Adjustable Lens can be considered for “picky” patients, those with moderate astigmatism, those who previously underwent refractive surgery, those who are unsure of their desired outcome and those who want to avoid glare and halos.

“It’s the most accurate correction of any lens, and it’s what we’re really using for post-refractive,” Rowen said. “It gives you an excellent range of vision because you blend it.”

The lens does come with additional costs and office visits.

“When you’re presenting it to your patients, it’s like a suit on the rack vs. a tailored suit,” Rowen said.

“I’m thrilled with having this as an option,” she said. “This is truly a disruptive innovation in IOL technology.”