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March 09, 2023
1 min read

BLOG: Tips for parenting as a resident, or things I wish someone told me

I had my first child before medical school and more after that. Going through medical training as a parent was frankly sometimes rough.

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Charlene Crockett

For those in the same boat, here are some suggestions:

Eye doctor discussing
I had my first child before medical school and more after that. Going through medical training as a parent was frankly sometimes rough.
Image: Adobe Stock
  • Learn about resources and benefits available through your institution, such as paid time off, leave policies, child care services, counseling and discounts. It’s OK to use them, and sometimes you really should.
  • Make time for yourself, your spouse (if you’re married) and your children. Find different ways to let them know you love them. Outsource tasks if you can afford it.
  • Develop a support system for both you and your spouse: friends, family, faculty, a community outside of work, virtual network/social media groups.
  • Don’t compare yourself to others. Give yourself some grace.
  • Get own-occupation disability insurance before you finish medical school; rates tend to be better. Get life insurance, too.
  • Remember, training is for a season. It ends eventually. Make the most of it while you’re there, but once you’re done, it’s fine to seek out jobs that can fit the life you want with those you love.

Good luck!



Disclosures: Crockett reports no relevant financial disclosures.