February 23, 2015
1 min read

BLOG: What one happily retired ophthalmologist says about retirement, part 1

In the last 35 years, I’ve probably met about 10,000 ophthalmologists. Some doctors stick in your mind for their clinical brilliance or for the size of their practice. And of course, a few wild ones you can’t forget because of one outrageous act or another.

But I remember a retired ophthalmologist I’ll call Dr. John Smith, a long-ago client, best for his smile.

When we worked together, John was one of those happy people whose natural, resting facial expression was a generous grin. And when he wound up and actually smiled at you, he could throw off more sunshine than a tropical vacation. At least that’s what I remembered when I called him to see how his 10-year-old retirement was coming along. John was still smiling. Although, as you’ll read, the smile is now a little wiser, a little more wry, a little more bittersweet.

I’ll let John do the talking for the balance of this three-part blog and would suggest that after his words sink in, you ask yourself and those closest to you one simple question:

Am I walking an intelligent, happy path leading to where I want to arrive in this life?

“Most ophthalmologists, including me back then, don’t pay much attention to what anybody says, but I’ll tell you what I know. Everything, at this stage of life, now that I’m retired, depends on your partner, your health and your bank account,” John said.

John B. Pinto is president of J. Pinto & Associates Inc., an ophthalmic practice management consulting firm established in 1979. John is the country’s most-published author on ophthalmology management topics. He is the author of John Pinto’s Little Green Book of Ophthalmology, Turnaround: 21 Weeks to Ophthalmic Practice Survival and Permanent Improvement, Cashflow: The Practical Art of Earning More From Your Ophthalmology Practice, The Efficient Ophthalmologist, The Women of Ophthalmology, Legal Issues in Ophthalmology and a new book, Ophthalmic Leadership: A Practical Guide for Physicians, Administrators and Teams. He can be reached at email: pintoinc@aol.com; website: www.pintoinc.com.