Voyage to EHR, Day 21
Aloha from Aurelia at 22 degrees, 0 minutes north, and 152 degrees, 35 minutes west at 12 Noon PST, on Saturday, May 26.
Based on current conditions, Aurelia should be pulling up to the dock in Honolulu late Monday or early Tuesday. The major challenge left will be transiting the Kaiwi Channel which runs between Molokai and Oahu.
Gale force winds are predicted for the next 48 to 72 hours, and the narrow gap between islands concentrates both the wind and wave patterns. Hope your weekend is a little less hectic than ours.
Mahalo from Aurelia and the Hawaiian Eye Foundation.
John’s voyage is meant to raise awareness of the similar “expedition” surgeons undertake when converting to electronic health records and will also support the work of the Hawaiian Eye Foundation. To learn more about the Foundation’s work, and make a donation supporting their eye care and surgical training services throughout the Pacific, please click on