May 24, 2012
1 min read

Voyage to EHR, Day 19

Aloha from Aurelia at 22 degrees, 41 minutes north, and 147 degrees, 42 minutes west, at 9 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, on Thursday, May 24. This is Day 18 of the voyage.

I woke up abruptly on the cabin floor just after midnight, when we fell off one of the waves from the recent storm. A brilliant sunrise directly behind us as we plow ahead to Hawaii.

Two flying fish on the deck this morning, and yesterday afternoon, a beautiful white tern, with a long, split swallow-tail circled the boat for several minutes. The weather is holding, should be a great day for laundry.

570 nautical miles to Honolulu, with landfall the middle of next week.

Thanks for supporting the Hawaiian Eye Foundation, Mahalo.

John’s voyage is meant to raise awareness of the similar “expedition” surgeons undertake when converting to electronic health records and will also support the work of the Hawaiian Eye Foundation. To learn more about the Foundation’s work, and make a donation supporting their eye care and surgical training services throughout the Pacific, please click on

yle='li � eg(���Aloha from Aurelia at 22 degrees, 41 minutes north, and 147 degrees, 42 minutes west, at 9 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, on Thursday, May 24. This is Day 18 of the voyage.

I woke up abruptly on the cabin floor just after midnight, when we fell off one of the waves from the recent storm. A brilliant sunrise directly behind us as we plow ahead to Hawaii. Two flying fish on the deck this morning, and yesterday afternoon, a beautiful white tern, with a long, split swallow-tail circled the boat for several minutes. The weather is holding, should be a great day for laundry. Five hundred  seventy (570) nautical miles to Honolulu, with landfall the middle of next week. Thanks for supporting the Hawaiian eye foundation, Mahalo.