May 16, 2012
1 min read

Voyage to EHR, Day 11

On May 6, 2012, OSN columnist John Pinto launched “Voyage to EHR,” a month-long solo sail from San Diego to Honolulu aboard 24-foot “Aurelia” sponsored by Ocular Surgery News and Compulink.  You can follow his mid-ocean blogs here, and track his daily progress online until his slated arrival in early June by clicking on John’s practice management blogs will resume in July.

Aloha from Aurelia, at 26 degrees, 17 minutes north, and 131 degrees [Fades]… minutes west.

It’s Wednesday, May 16, at 9:00 PST. Today, a brief lesson in wave vectors. For the last week, we have enjoyed a quartering wave train just to the right side of our stern. About every ten seconds, the next in a neat row of waves has passed under Aurelia for a generally smooth hobbyhorse ride.

However, the second wave train has cropped up in the last 24 hours, coming beam on from the side of the boat. So now, instead of a just a gentle hobbyhorse, we’re corkscrewing in all kinds of directions. Quite the carnival ride.

Mahalo from Aurelia, and thanks for supporting the Hawaiian Eye Foundation.

P.S. The first flying fish on deck arrived last night. Wahoo!

John’s voyage is meant to raise awareness of the similar “expedition” surgeons undertake when converting to electronic health records and will also support the work of the Hawaiian Eye Foundation. To learn more about the Foundation’s work, and make a donation supporting their eye care and surgical training services throughout the Pacific, please click on