International Advisory Board working on APAO 2020 Scientific Program
The 35th Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress, held in conjunction with the 25th Congress of Chinese Ophthalmological Society, will take place from April 22-26, 2020, in Xiamen, China.
The International Advisory Board of the APAO 2020 Scientific Program Committee has already started working on the invited scientific program with Prof. Dennis Lam, scientific program chair. APAO would like to recognize the following distinguished individuals for their generous participation on the International Advisory Board:
- Eduardo C. Alfonso (United States)
- Salmaan Al-Qureshi (Australia)
- Rafael Barraquer (Spain)
- Neil Bressler (United States)
- Robert Casson (Australia)
- John Chang (Hong Kong)
- Jan Tjeerd De Faber (Netherlands)
- Sonal Farzavandi (Singapore)
- Steven Fliesler (United States)
- Julia A. Haller (United States)
- Jimmy Lai (Hong Kong)
- Jeffrey Liebmann (United States)
- Yizhi Liu (China)
- Keith Martin (Australia)
- Peter McCluskey (Australia)
- Peter J. McDonnell (United States)
- Charles McGhee (New Zealand)
- Darius Moshfeghi (United States)
- Neville N. Osborne (United Kingdom)
- James B. Randleman (United States)
- SriniVas R. Sadda (United States)
- Taiji Sakamoto (Japan)
- Sobha Sivaprasad (United Kingdom)
- Nick Strouthidis (United Kingdom)
- Marie-Jose Tassignon (Belgium)
- Clement Tham (Hong Kong)
- Elmer Tu (United States)
- Peter Wiedemann (Germany)
- George Williams (United States)
- Tien-Yin Wong (Singapore)
- Yong Zhong (China)
- Manfred Zierhut (Germany)
Additionally, both early bird registration and abstract submission for APAO 2020 remain open to all interested delegates via the Congress system. For further details about the 35th APAO Congress in Xiamen, please visit the Congress website.
Travel grants for APVRS 2019
The Asia-Pacific Vitreo-retina Society (APVRS) is pleased to offer up to five Prof. Yasuo Tano Travel Grants for young vitreoretinal specialists in the Asia-Pacific region to attend the 13th APVRS Congress in Shanghai, scheduled for Nov. 22-24.
Priority will be given to applicants under the age of 40 years from a developing country whose presentations (free paper, poster, e-poster or video) have been accepted by the Scientific Program Committee of the 13th APVRS Congress. Each successful applicant will receive US$500 if they live outside the host country of the 13th APVRS Congress (ie, China) whereas those who live in the host country will receive US$250.
Applications are being accepted until Aug. 30. Interested ophthalmologists should complete the online application form via the APVRS Congress system.