Fact checked byGina Brockenbrough, MA

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April 15, 2023
1 min read

Purnell receives NKF Excellence in Transplantation Award

Fact checked byGina Brockenbrough, MA

Key takeaways:

  • Purnell will receive an award at the National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meeting.
  • Purnell’s research highlighted inequities in transplantation.

At the National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinicals Meeting, Tanjala S. Purnell, PhD, MPH, FASN, will be presented with the Excellence in Transplantation Award to recognize her research in kidney transplantation.

“I am truly honored to receive this tremendous award for my research to advance equity in kidney transplantation,” Purnell said in a press release. “I dedicate this award to family members I have lost due to kidney failure, and I promise to continue working to promote kidney health equity for all.”

Tanjala S. Purnell, PhD, MPH, FASN

Purnell is an associate professor of epidemiology and surgery at Johns Hopkins University, where she serves in multiple leadership roles as founding director of the Building Opportunities for Lasting Discoveries Health Equality Initiative, director of education for the Brancati Center for the Advancement of Community Care and executive director of the Health Freedom Path to Wellness Program. She also serves as a member of the NKF Transplant Advisory Committee, the board of directors for the National Minority Organ Tissue Transplant Education Program, and the governing board for the Living Legacy Foundation of Maryland.

“Dr. Purnell's research work has not only highlighted inequities in transplantation but identified modifiable factors such as referral to transplant or distance from transplant centers where there is still work to be done,” Sylvia E. Rosas, MD, MSCE, president of NKF, said in the press release. “She is also dedicated to the education of future scientists. Achieving equity in kidney transplantation is an important initiative of the NKF.”