PARP Inhibitor

PARP Inhibitor Video Perspectives

In this video, Ursula A. Matulonis, MD, discusses development in PARP inhibitor treatments for ovarian cancer, idiosyncratic toxicities, barriers to treatment and more.

Ursula A. Matulonis, MD

Ursula A. Matulonis, MD, chief of the gynecological oncology division at Dana Farber Cancer Institute, spoke with Healio about developments in PARP inhibitors for ovarian cancer, unmet needs among patients with ovarian cancer and continuing momentum in drug development and immunotherapy.

In this video, Matulonis discusses:

  • the role of PARP inhibitors in platinum sensitivity, clinical biomarkers and synthetic lethality;
  • continuing momentum in drug development and immunotherapy;
  • how new drugs are changing the outlook of ovarian cancer;
  • awareness of idiosyncratic toxicity in PARP inhibitors;
  • potential barriers to treatment; and
  • how drug literature may impact patient wellness.
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