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GI Cancer Video Perspectives

In this video playlist, Nilofer Azad, MD, discusses recent innovations involving gastrointestinal cancers, treatments for colorectal cancer, the importance of screening for gastrointestinal cancers and more.

Nilofer Azad, MD

In this video, Nilofer Azad, MD, director of Colorectal Cancer Patient Care and Research Center of Excellence at Johns Hopkins, discusses:

  • the importance of screening for colorectal cancer and treatment pathways available to patients who are diagnosed;
  • treatments being explored in GI cancers, including studies on immunotherapies, new treatment targets and how “there’s a lot of exciting work that’s going to be happening in the next 5 to 10 years;”
  • recent innovations in GI cancer, notably “groundbreaking work” presented at ASCO 2022 on the use of an immunotherapy — dostarlimab-gxly (Jemperli, GSK) — as a first-line treatment in a subset of patients with rectal cancer;
  • risk factors for most GI cancers, including smoking and high levels of alcohol consumption, and genetic risk factors in certain GI cancers;
  • how in light of recent increases in colorectal cancer in younger patients, “I would really urge, especially primary care doctors and gastroenterologists, to maintain a relatively high index of suspicion for people to possibly have a cancer when they present as symptoms that, if they were 60 or 70 years old, you would absolutely be evaluating them for cancer;” and
  • unmet needs in GI cancers, including that “we still need ways to detect cancer easily, early — and that’s true across cancers, but specifically GI cancers, which can be pretty vague in their initial presenting symptoms.”