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Follicular Lymphoma Video Perspectives

Healio spoke with experts about recent advancements, CAR-T, the greatest challenges and more in follicular lymphoma.

Noah Merin, MD, PhD

In this video series, Noah Merin, MD, PhD, from the Blood and Marrow Transplantation Program and assistant professor of medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, discussed:

  • The “watch-and-wait” approach for the treatment of follicular lymphoma in newly diagnosed patients;
  • Bispecific antibodies, their toxicities and their potential in follicular lymphoma;
  • First-line treatments and options for relapsed or refractory disease;
  • The “complicated decision-making process” when talking with patients about CAR-T and autologous and allogenic transplantation, as well as how using minimal residual disease testing may help with this process in the future; and
  • Challenges in follicular lymphoma, such as “making the more intense therapies safer so that more people can get them.”