a long banner image of an elderly patient wearing a mask recieving a vaccine from a health care professional who is also wearing a mask. The image is replicated three times. On the left hand side, the image is faded into a white background and shows a close up of the HCPs hand, patient's arm and syringe. In the middle, the same image is flipped and zoomed out to include more of the HCP, including part of their jacket and hair, as well as more of the patient's face. the image is also at normal opaqueness. On the right hand side, the patient's masked face, is faded into a ight blue bakcground.

COVID Vaccines in the Immunocompromised

COVID Vaccines in the Immunocompromised is a video perspective compilation that dives into considerations and management of immunocompromised patients across multiple specialties.

Hematology/Oncology; Robert Soiffer, MD

Healio spoke with Robert J. Soiffer, MD, about COVID vaccination for immunocompromised patients, highlighting information specifically for oncologists treating patients with blood cancers.

“We recommend that all patients with malignancy… be vaccinated against COVID-19,” Soiffer, chair of the executive committee for clinical programs, vice chair of the department of medical oncology, and chief of the division of hematologic malignancies with Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Worthington and Margaret Collette professor of medicine in the field of hematologic oncology at Harvard Medical School, said.

In this video series, he discussed:

  • positioning vaccination and boosters for patients with blood cancers, and considerations to take for patients who undergo hematopoietic stem cell or blood marrow transplantion;
  • concerns of immunocompromised patients;
  • addressing vaccine hesitancy and exploring the reasons patients may be uncertain about vaccination;
  • adapting and adjusting to COVID-19 vaccination as new FDA approvals and booster recommendations are rolled out;
  • managing vaccine maintenance as guidelines are released;
  • dealing with vaccination fatigue among patients; and
  • vaccination considerations specifically for patients with different blood cancers.


Soiffer reports no current relevant financial disclosures. He does report serving as a consultant for BlueSphere Bio, CSL Behring, Cugene, Daiichi Sankyo, Jasper Therapeutics, Neovii, Smart Immune and Vor Biopharma; serving on the data safety monitoring board for Bristol Myers Squibb, Celgene and Juno Therapeutics; and serving on the board of directors of Be the Match.