Health Policy and Research with Rachel Solnick, MD
Rachel Solnick, MD, MSc, is an emergency medicine physician and health services researcher. In this episode, we discuss her journey into public policy, how to navigate through medical misinformation on social media and why doctors should be policy advocates.
- Intro :14
- About Solnick :16
- The interview 1:10
- How did you become an ER physician focusing on policy and research? What was your journey to get to this point in your career? 1:13
- Did you start this research policy fellowship before the pandemic? 3:37
- How did this whole process start on writing your study and what were the results? 4:48
- How did you set up the study? 9:50
- What did you find? 13:30
- Do you think that the messenger is just as important? 14:37
- What’s your opinion on people who put information out there that’s factually inaccurate? How can people get through the noise? 18:09
- Have you found that the way you’ve interacted on social media has changed over the last year throughout the pandemic? 19:37
- Why should we as doctors be advocates and why should we be working on policy? 23:20
- How has it been like being a physician clinically during this time? 31:53
- Solnick’s one pearl of wisdom 35:10
- Where to find Solnick? 36:05
Rachel Solnick, MD, MSc, is a second-year National Clinical Scholars Program research fellow and practicing physician at the University of Michigan Emergency Department and the Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation.
We’d love to hear from you! Send your comments/questions to Dr. Jain at Rachel Solnick can be reached on Twitter @RachelSolnickMD. Follow us on Twitter @HemOncToday @ShikhaJainMD.