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July 27, 2020
49 min listen

Tackling Cancer with Olympic Gold-Medalist Kikkan Randall


Kikkan “Kikkanimal” Randall is an Olympic champion, active mom, cancer fighter and “Get-Activist.” In this episode, she shares how her positive attitude and athlete mentality have helped her navigate a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, and she shares valuable advice for both oncologists and patients.

  • Intro :14
  • About Randall :17
  • The interview 1:56
  • Tell us a bit about you. Who are you? How did you get to where you are and how did you decide you wanted to be a part of the U.S. Olympic cross-country ski team? 2:18
  • How were you diagnosed? 4:44
  • How old were you when you first realized that you had this pebble in your breast? 6:00
  • What type of mentality is it that makes you such a phenomenal Olympic athlete that you were able to translate into this taking charge of your health and taking charge of your cancer as you move forward? 7:54
  • What was the best way for you to cope as you felt this loss of control going through your treatment in certain times? 10:40
  • What did you do to prepare for your clinic visits when you were trying to advocate for yourself? 14:53
  • How did you navigate the disease with your son? 20:10
  • How long do they recommend for you to wait to try again (to conceive)? Did you have those conversations? 23:40
  • Do you feel like you are mentally approaching this period of your post-cancer care or your post-treatment time? 27:22
  • Randall running a marathon following the completion of her treatment 31:40
  • How did you get involved with Healthy Futures and Fast and Female, and what exactly do they do? 35:15
  • Did the way that you participate in advocacy change after you were diagnosed with cancer? 40:02
  • One thing you wish oncologists knew when they are treating patients with any kind of cancer, and one thing patients should know if they’re newly diagnosed? 45:40
  • How to find Randall 47:39

We’d love to hear from you! Send your comments/questions to Dr. Jain at Kikkan Randall can be reached at Follow us on Twitter @HemOncToday @ShikhaJainMD

Kikkan Randall is an Olympic champion, active mom, cancer fighter and “Get-Activist.”



Disclosures: Jain reports she is a paid freelance writer for Lippincott.