Pharmacology Consult
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Improving dose optimization in oncology: The sotorasib example
Pharmacogenetic testing may improve outcomes for patients with depression
Education, communication can reduce risks of cannabidiol use among patients with cancer
Link between ibrutinib-related hypertension, heart problems necessitates close monitoring
Cancer drugs’ targeted, anti-inflammatory effects support repurposing for COVID-19
Polypharmacy management among older adults with cancer requires multipronged approach
Immunotherapy effective for many patients ineligible for registration trials, but caution necessary
DTCandWe: Oncology providers must understand direct-to-consumer testing’s limitations, implications
The good, bad and unnecessary prescribing of oral vancomycin prophylaxis in immunosuppressed patients

Clostridioides difficile infection, or CDI, continues to be a significant pathogen in both hospitals and community-based settings. The associated morbidity, mortality and health care costs have prompted many to strengthen infection prevention and antimicrobial stewardship strategies to minimize transmission and recurrence. Optimizing these efforts is a tough task because of the broad array of CDI risk factors. Recent antibiotic exposure — especially to fluoroquinolones, clindamycin, carbapenems and third- and fourth-generation cephalosporins — along with chemotherapy, proton-pump inhibitors, immunosuppression, advanced age, comorbidities such as renal dysfunction and hospitalization duration are known CDI risk factors. The frequent exposure to antimicrobials and health care settings, along with higher rates of C. difficile colonization in the immunosuppressed population, poses an appreciable conundrum to clinicians who are trying to reduce CDI risk.