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June 15, 2023
4 min watch

VIDEO: IMerge study shows promising data for imetelstat in myelodysplastic syndrome

In this video, Eunice Wang, MD, discussed the results of the phase 3 IMerge study, pertaining to low- or intermediate-risk myelodysplastic syndrome, presented at ASCO Annual Meeting.

Wang, chief of the leukemia service at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, highlighted the study, which evaluated the effectiveness of imetelstat (Geron Corporation) in patients who were heavily transfusion-dependent and not expected to respond to erythropoiesis-stimulating agent treatment, and showed results that were statistically significant.

“Despite the fact that there were statistically significant decreases in the platelet count and the white count, in the majority of the cases these cytokines were short lived and did not result in increased infections or bleeding episodes — and were very manageable,” Wang said.