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August 14, 2021
1 min read

Trial yields ‘promising’ results in advanced recurrent ovarian cancer

A trial designed to evaluate maveropepimut-S for women with advanced recurrent ovarian cancer demonstrated encouraging activity, according to the agent’s manufacturer.

Maveropepimut-S (IMV Inc.) is a T cell-activating immunotherapy that combines the utility of IMV’s proprietary delivery platform with survivin. IMV is evaluating maveropepimut-S as treatment for breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

The multicenter phase 1b/phase 2 DeCidE1 trial included 22 women with recurrent, advanced platinum-sensitive and resistant ovarian cancer.

Women received two subcutaneous doses of maveropepimut-S (IMV Inc.) 3 weeks apart and every 8 weeks thereafter, plus intermittent low-dose cyclophosphamide in a 1-week-on, 1-week-off schedule until the end of treatment.

Researchers performed tumor biopsies before and during treatment.

Overall response rate, disease control rate and safety served as primary endpoints. Secondary endpoints included cell-mediated immunity, immune cell infiltration in paired biopsy samples, duration of response, time to progression, OS and biomarker analyses.

Final topline results showed median OS of 19.9 months, and 44.9% of women remained alive at 23.8 months.

“The overall results obtained from the DeCidE1 trial are very promising,” Oliver Dorigo, MD, PhD, principal investigator of the DeCidE1 study and director of the gynecologic oncology service at Stanford University, said in an IMV Inc.-issued press release. “Treatment was well-tolerated. ... These results are particularly encouraging because many subjects in the trial had been heavily pretreated and 57.9% were platinum resistant. We believe that these results support the further clinical study of maveropepimut-S in ovarian cancer.”

Translational analyses “provide strong evidence that maveropepimut-S successfully elicits the generation of tumor antigen-specific T cells,” Jeremy Graff, PhD, chief scientific officer for IMV, said in the release.

Details of the translational analyses have been submitted for presentation at upcoming scientific meetings.