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August 26, 2020
2 min watch

VIDEO: GO2 awardee lecture a ‘highlight’ of International Lung Cancer Congress

In this video, David R. Gandara, MD, director of the thoracic oncology program at UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center, discussed a lecture given by Charles Swanton, MD, PhD, FRCP, FMedSci, FRS, at this year’s virtual International Lung Cancer Conference

Swanton discussed lung cancer cells’ evolution in resistance to treatments. Swanton is the recipient of the 2020 GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer Bonnie J. Addario lectureship award, which has recognized experts for over a decade.

“[Swanton] has made the concept of cancer evolution and the genomics of the cancer and the immunology phenotype a reality from his research. That was really a highlight of the meeting,” Gandara said.

Gandara said the lecture included the measurement of circulating tumor DNA in blood to advance strategies to monitor cancer, improve patient survival and outcomes.