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June 16, 2020
6 min watch

VIDEO: Venetoclax combination ‘remarkably effective’ for specific multiple myeloma

Venetoclax in combination with daratumumab and dexamethasone demonstrated a tolerable safety profile with encouraging efficacy among patients with multiple myeloma, according to research presented during ASCO2020 Virtual Scientific Program.

Johnathan L. Kaufman, MD, associate professor in the department of hematology and medical oncology at Emory Winship Cancer Institute, discussed the findings, discussed how this was especially effective among those who have t(11;14) translocation, in a video interview with Healio.

“The response rate in a similar patient population with a combination of venetoclax and dexamethasone was approximately 65% in a small phase 2 study. The response rate in the three-drug combination in the t(11;14) translocation population was 95%,” he said. “So, it’s really quite a remarkably effective therapy.”