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August 04, 2019
1 min read

Radiation oncologist inducted into honorary police surgeons society

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Richard Bakst, MD
Richard Bakst

Richard Bakst, MD, a board-certified radiation oncologist, was one of 22 physicians inducted into the Society of Honorary Police Surgeons of the City of New York.

The society comprises physicians who have exhibited expertise and outstanding service in a specific medical specialty. Police Commissioner James P. O’Neill appointed Bakst.

Society members act in a consultant capacity to the New York City Police Department. They also provide medical consultation or expertise when members of the police department or their families are sick or hurt.

Bakst — a board-certified radiation oncologist — is associate professor of radiation oncology at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. He specialists in treatment of head and neck cancer, breast cancer and lymphoma.

Bakst received his undergraduate and medical degrees from New York University, and he completed his residency at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

“As a native New Yorker, it is an honor and privilege to be inducted into the society and be part of one of the best police departments in the country” Bakst said in a press release.