American Association for Cancer Research names academy fellows
The American Association for Cancer Research announced the newly elected fellows of the AACR Academy.
The 2018 class will be inducted during the AACR Annual Meeting, scheduled for April 14-18 in Chicago.
The AACR academy recognizes distinguished scientists whose scientific contributions have contributed to significant innovation and progress against cancer.
Fellows’ responsibilities include identifying scientific priorities that will contribute to AACR’s programs and activities; influencing science and public policy; advocating for increased federal funding for cancer research and cancer-related sciences; participating in special meetings to discuss how to accelerate advances in cancer research; mentoring cancer researchers in training in all research settings; and helping AACR educate the public about cancer, the importance of AACR, and the value of cancer research to public health and the conquest of cancer.
“The 2018 fellows’ scientific expertise has dramatically transformed the cancer research landscape. Their collective efforts to improve cancer research and patient care are unparalleled, and have fundamentally altered the ways in which we study, prevent, diagnose and treat all cancers,” Margaret Foti, PhD, MD(hc), AACR’s CEO, said in a press release.
Members of the 2018 fellows class are Alan Ashworth, PhD, FRS, president of UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center and senior vice president for cancer services at University of California, San Francisco; René Bernards, DPhil, professor of molecular carcinogenesis at Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam; Bruce A. Beutler, MD, director of Center for the Genetics of Host Defense and chair of cancer research at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center; Michael A. Caligiuri, MD, president and physician-in-chief at City of Hope; Chi Van Dang, MD, PhD, scientific director of Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research and professor at The Wistar Institute; Gary Gilliland, MD, PhD, president and director of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center; Laurie H. Glimcher, MD, president and CEO of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School; Elizabeth M. Jaffee, MD, deputy director of Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center and codirector of the gastrointestinal cancers program at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; Richard D. Klausner, MD, founder and director of Juno Therapeutics; Roger D. Kornberg, PhD, professor of medicine in the department of structural biology at Stanford University School of Medicine; Arthur D. Levinson, PhD, founder and CEO of Calico Life Sciences LLC; and Norman E. Sharpless, MD, director of NCI.