November 21, 2015
1 min read

Medical association appoints president

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Edith Mitchell, MD, professor of medical oncology at Thomas Jefferson University, has been appointed president of the National Medical Association.

The National Medical Association is the nation’s oldest and largest professional society for black physicians. The 30,000-member organization is a major leader in promoting equality and eliminating disparities in health care.

Edith Mitchell

Edith Mitchell

“There is still much work to be done with regards to disparities in medical treatment,” Mitchell, who also serves as program leader of gastrointestinal oncology and associate director for diversity programs at Thomas Jefferson University, said in a press release. “I believe that we can all work together and make great strides to address barriers in helping underserved populations get better care and lead to better health care in our nation.”

Mitchell — who specializes in breast cancer and gastrointestinal cancers — is a retired brigadier general in the U.S. Air Force and was the first female physician to attain this rank. She served as senior medical Air National Guard adviser to the command surgeon and was the medical liaison between the active Air Force and the Air National Guard.