August 01, 2015
1 min read

ESMO announces 2018-2019 president

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Josep Tabernero, MD, PhD, will serve as president of the European Society for Medical Oncology in 2018-2019.

Tabernero is head of the medical oncology department at Vall d’Hebron University Hospital and director of Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology in Barcelona, will serve as president of the European

“Becoming president of such a thriving society makes me feel deeply honored and reinforces my desire and commitment to best serve and further grow our ESMO,” Tabernero said in a press release.

Josep Tabernero, MD, PhD

Josep Tabernero

Tabernero currently is ESMO treasurer and chair of the ESMO audit committee. He previously served as chair of the ESMO fellowship and award committee, scientific chair of the ESMO 2012 Congress, member of the ESMO press and media committee, member of the Medical Oncology Status in Europe Survey Task Force and member of the ESMO faculty. He also is vice chair of the ESMO World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer.

“Being president of a society like ESMO requires experience, drive and compassion, to work together with the society’s leadership, the numerous committees as well as the staff, with one important objective in mind: to serve all members,” Tabernero said. “I believe in turning current challenges that are impacting on our ability to more rapidly and precisely advance our specialty into opportunity and better outcomes for our society, its members, our patients and all stakeholders in oncology. I will also seek to support actions aimed at making precision medicine more accessible across borders.”

Rolf A. Stahel, MD, head of the Centre for Lung and Thoracic Oncology and senior staff physician at the Clinic of Oncology at University Hospital of Zurich in Switzerland, is the current ESMO president. Fortunato Ciardiello, MD, PhD, professor of medical oncology and director of the department of experimental and clinical medicine and surgery at Second University of Naples in Italy, is president elect for 2016-2017.