Issue: August 25, 2013
August 01, 2013
1 min read
Cancer foundation presents awards
Issue: August 25, 2013
ASCO’s Conquer Cancer Foundation recently presented merit awards to more than 100 cancer investigators in recognition of the quality research they presented at the ASCO Annual Meeting.
Four investigators who received the highest scores in select categories as determined by the ASCO Scientific Program Committee received signature awards.
Hiroko Masuda, MD, PhD, of The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center received the Bradley Stuart Beller Special Merit Award, presented to the fellow who submitted the overall highest-ranking abstract.
Daniel Morgenstern, MB, BChir, PhD, MRCPCH, of The Hospital for Sick Children received the Brigid Leventhal Merit Award, presented to the fellow who submitted the highest-ranking abstract in pediatrics.
Michael R. Folkert, MD, PhD, of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center received the Pain and Symptom Management Merit Award, which recognizes the highest-ranking abstract in pain and symptom management research.
Chelsea L. Collins, MD, of the Medical College of Wisconsin received the James B. Nachman ASCO Junior Faculty Award in Pediatric Oncology, presented to the junior faculty member who submitted the highest-ranking abstract in pediatric oncology.