September 07, 2012
1 min read

UCSD receives QOPI certification

Barbara Parker, MD

Barbara Parker

UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center has been recognized by the Quality Oncology Practice Initiative Certification Program for quality cancer care.

QOPI is a voluntary self-assessment and improvement program launched by ASCO in 2006 to help hematology-oncology and medical oncology practices assess the quality of the care they provide to patients.  It certifies oncology practices that meet rigorous standards for high-quality cancer care.

Through the QOPI program, practices abstract data from patients’ records up to twice per year and enter the information into a secure database. UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center was one of 23 academic and community centers to receive the inaugural 3-year certification. More than 580 oncology practices have registered in the QOPI program.

“This award shows our commitment to voluntarily participating in a program that certifies the quality of cancer care at Moores Cancer Center,” said Barbara Parker, MD, medical director of oncology services at UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center. “We value peer-review certification and understand the benefits of using standardized processes to improve the quality of care for our patients.”