October 17, 2008
2 min read

New blogger on HemOncToday.com: An introduction

Hello to any and all of you out there who may be reading my first blog on HemOncToday.com. I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself and to discuss what I hope to accomplish in this blog space in my forthcoming posts.

I am a second-year adult hematology/oncology fellow at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. I came to oncology midway through my med/peds residency in Boston because I grew very attached to taking care of patients with cancer on the adult and pediatric wards. In particular, I was drawn especially to an emerging field that focuses on the care of adolescent and young adult patients who have cancer or who are cancer survivors (you can read more about this in an upcoming column I am writing for HemOnc Today).

In fellowship, my primary interests are in clinical malignant hematology and transplant, especially in the adolescent and young adult population. My research addresses issues around how this care is delivered.

Like many other fellows, I have come to realize how much I don’t know as I have journeyed through fellowship and taken my first steps in my career. The universe of what I don’t know is vast; it encompasses not only the biology and pharmacotherapeutics of human malignancies, but extends to how oncologic care delivery is organized in the real world (and the ethical consequences of this) on both a societal and individual patient level.

I would like to invite you, as my blog readers, to help me along in my journey by considering and responding to questions that I’ll ask each week. I will try to pick up and explore current topics from the clinic, hospital, research or the real world, related to oncology specifically or health care generally, that have given me pause for thought and that lead me to seek your advice. My hope is that your responses will add to my learning and stimulate discussion amongst you as my readers that will keep you coming back to learn more from each other. Though I won’t pretend to aim for the thousands of comments generated by most political blogs at this time in the election cycle, I hope that a few provocative discussion points can emerge each week.

As well, if there are certain topics you’d like to see discussed — or that you’d like to talk with me about offline — please feel free to include these in your comments or to email me directly (medpedsdrbill@gmail.com).

I look forward to talking with you and learning from you in the months ahead.