June 30, 2008
1 min read

"My cancer…"

Leroy Sievers is a really amazing man. He writes the "My Cancer" blog over at www.npr.org. He writes simply, but well, about living with cancer. This is not surprising since Leroy is, by training, a journalist; specifically, he used to be a producer for Nightline. His blog has generated a lot of devoted followers, some whom have cancer themselves, some of whom are family members or loved ones of people with cancer. It is, for a blog, a really supportive and warm community. He has recurrent metastatic colon cancer, and has had it for two and a half years now. More amazingly, his cancer recurred over two years ago with brain metastases. From what I can gather he has recently made the transition to palliative care. Recently he asked readers to complete the sentence "My cancer…" The responses were pretty amazing. Read them here. The NPR folks picked a few of the best and made them into a photo gallery with pictures of the respondents. It takes a pretty gracious person to find positive anything in a struggle with cancer, I'm not sure I would.