July 18, 2011
1 min read

Hematology/Oncology eClinic

The Hematology/Oncology eClinic is your source for free CME activities that include interactive virtual patient cases, webinars, and monographs. Information focuses on emerging research, updates on screening guidelines, and "hot topics" from conferences such as ASCO and ASH. Solid tumor types in focus include colorectal, breast, and ovarian cancers, as well as lianid tumors such as NHL and the MPNs. Expert faculty at institutions such as the Mayo Clinic, MD Anderson Cancer Center, and Georgetown University offer their insight into these topics.

Watch a dynamic webinar from a live symposium, read a more traditional-style monograph, or diagnose, manage, and treat one of our virtual patients in the Hematology e-Clinic while earning CME credits!