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October 28, 2022
2 min read

Q&A: Eczema Awareness Month highlights patient challenges, resources

The National Eczema Association has dedicated October to raising awareness of this inflammatory skin condition, with 2022 focused on the facts of the disease as well as the stories of those who live with it.

There are 31.6 million people living with eczema in the United States. Although common, the condition continues to be stigmatized and misunderstood, according to the National Eczema Association (NEA). The disease, which is categorized into seven types with atopic dermatitis being the most common, can range from mild dryness of the skin to debilitating redness, itchiness and inflammation covering the body.


In light of Eczema Awareness Month, Healio spoke with Latanya Benjamin, MD, FAAD, FAAP, a board-certified pediatric dermatologist and NEA panel expert, who discussed the best approaches and key takeaways for eczema patients and dermatologists.

Healio: What is it like living with eczema as far as burdens and challenges?

Benjamin: There are several burdens and challenges that go along with living with eczema, for both the one affected and for their family. I often say it’s a disease of the whole family!

The No. 1 burden — itchiness — can lead to sleeping difficulties, poor growth and even behavioral challenges. People with eczema may also have other organ inflammation beyond the skin, such as in the lungs (asthma) and gut (food allergies).

Individuals with eczema are also at increased risk for bacterial and viral superinfections of the skin. This can result in the need for additional medications, frequent medical visits and missed time at school and work. The impact on mental health and self-esteem also greatly contributes to the burden of having atopic dermatitis.

Healio: What can patients do to manage and treat their eczema?

Benjamin: The best primary management for eczema is to support a healthy functioning skin barrier with good moisturization and daily skin care while also treating the itch before it gets out of control.

Healio: What should dermatologists be aware of when it comes to having conversations with their patients suffering from eczema?

Benjamin: I think something that is not frequently mentioned that dermatologists should be aware of is that a significant number of patients experience a good degree of skin pain, not just itch. In my conversations with patients suffering from eczema, I will often ask about fear of getting in a bath, or pain while taking a bath. I also often hear about pain when applying topical medications or moisturizers. This is very important to me to identify any roadblocks with day-to-day skin care that could affect their chance for success and a healthy outcome.

Healio: What educational resources and support opportunities does the NEA offer?

Benjamin: The NEA offers tremendous support and a wealth of resources for the eczema community. Visit and take advantage of the informational facts and research available, especially during Eczema Awareness Month. Learn about others living with eczema and ways that they’ve learned to better cope with their skin condition. My personal favorite is getting together in person and meeting other eczema patients and their families at an NEA annual Eczema Expo meeting.

Healio: The NEA website is sharing the stories of eight of its community members living with eczema. What is the most compelling takeaway from this feature?

Benjamin: That these are real people, despite suffering from their skin condition, caring enough to give back by sharing their honest stories of vulnerability in hopes of helping others.

Healio: What else should we know about Eczema Awareness Month that you would like to add?

Benjamin: I wish Eczema Awareness Month could happen every month, year round, as each season can bring on new challenges to the skin. I’m so grateful to the NEA and so many of their member community and ambassadors for taking the opportunity to focus on eczema, offer helpful tips and information, and make a positive impact on many with this way too common, challenging skin condition.
