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March 04, 2025
3 min read

US Multi-Society Task Force on CRC revamps colonoscopy bowel prep to set new ‘benchmark’

Vascular Medicine News

October 09, 2023
2 min read

Ability to detect CAD confirmed for PET with novel radiotracer

Ability to detect CAD confirmed for PET with novel radiotracer

Confirming a previous report, PET with a novel radiotracer had good sensitivity and specificity for CAD detection and outperformed single-photon emission CT myocardial perfusion imaging.

October 06, 2023
2 min read

Follow-up PCP visits again shown to reduce hospital readmissions

Follow-up PCP visits again shown to reduce hospital readmissions

Patients admitted for an emergency general surgery condition had nearly 70% reduced odds of readmission if they had a primary care physician follow-up visit within 30 days of discharge, a study found.


March 04, 2025
3 min read

US Multi-Society Task Force on CRC revamps colonoscopy bowel prep to set new ‘benchmark’

October 06, 2023
2 min read

Insomnia, short sleep tied to high blood pressure risk for women

Insomnia, short sleep tied to high blood pressure risk for women

Women who reported sleep difficulties or sleeping less than 6 hours per day were more likely to develop hypertension compared with women who slept 7 to 8 hours, with shift work not affecting the association, researchers reported.

October 06, 2023
3 min read

PET scan-guided program superior to standard care in patients with suspected CAD

PET scan-guided program superior to standard care in patients with suspected CAD

A comprehensive strategy involving shared cardiac PET scans was associated with better CV outcomes compared with standard care in patients with suspected CAD, according to the results of the CENTURY trial.

October 05, 2023
1 min read

Meta-analysis supports benefits of home-based walking exercise in patients with PAD

Meta-analysis supports benefits of home-based walking exercise in patients with PAD

In patients with peripheral artery disease, home-based walking exercise improved 6-minute walk distance more than supervised treadmill exercise, according to the results of a meta-analysis.

October 04, 2023
2 min read

Extra 3,000 steps per day can lower blood pressure for older, sedentary adults

Extra 3,000 steps per day can lower blood pressure for older, sedentary adults

Older adults with hypertension who did not meet weekly physical activity goals had significant drops in systolic and diastolic BP after adding 3,000 steps per day to their usual routines, data from a pilot study show.

October 03, 2023
2 min read

At least 4 hours of CPAP per day linked to reduced CV risk in secondary prevention

At least 4 hours of CPAP per day linked to reduced CV risk in secondary prevention

Good adherence to continuous positive airway pressure therapy may reduce risk for major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events in secondary prevention of CVD in patients with obstructive sleep apnea, researchers reported.

October 02, 2023
2 min read

More research suggests tree nut consumption reduces risk for CVD

More research suggests tree nut consumption reduces risk for CVD

Tree nuts, despite being consumed by a relatively small percentage of Americans, were linked to a decreased risk for CVD and cardiometabolic risk factors, a study in Current Developments in Nutrition showed.

October 02, 2023
2 min read

Top news of September: Five risk factors tied to majority of CVD, yoga impact in HF, more

Top news of September: Five risk factors tied to majority of CVD, yoga impact in HF, more

Healio and Cardiology Today have compiled a list of the top news in cardiology of September 2023.

October 02, 2023
2 min read

Weight gain after ART initiation associated with long-term cardiovascular, metabolic risks

Weight gain after ART initiation associated with long-term cardiovascular, metabolic risks

Weight gain and body composition changes that follow ART initiation are associated with long-term risks of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, researchers reported.

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