Top news of July: ‘Broken heart syndrome,’ COVID-19 updates, AED drone delivery and more
Healio and Cardiology Today have compiled a list of the most-read articles of July 2020.
This month, our readers were interested in COVID-19’s impact on takotsubo cardiomyopathy, use of hydroxychloroquine to prevent recurrence of fetal heart block, employment of drones to deliver automated external defibrillators to sites of reported cardiac arrests and much more.

Universal masking lowers SARS-CoV-2 infection in health care workers
In a 12-hospital health care system, universal masking was associated with lower rates of testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 in health care workers, according to a research letter published in JAMA. Read more
MACE risk after PCI higher for Black vs. white patients
Black race independently predicted worse outcomes after PCI, according to an analysis of 10 randomized trials that included Black, white, Asian and Hispanic patients. Read more
‘Broken heart syndrome’ increased during COVID-19
The incidence of stress cardiomyopathy, also known as takotsubo syndrome or broken heart syndrome, increased in patients with ACS during the COVID-19 pandemic compared with before the pandemic, researchers found. Read more
Statin initiation may lower mortality risk in older veterans
Statin initiation in older U.S. veterans free from atherosclerotic CVD at baseline reduced the risk for CV and all-cause mortality, researchers found in a retrospective cohort study. Read more
Hydroxychloroquine halves recurrence of fetal heart block
In a cohort of pregnant women with prior maternal congenital heart block, hydroxychloroquine successfully reduced the risk for recurrent fetal blocks by more than 50%, according results from the PATCH trial. Read more
Social determinants of health amplify stroke risk in adults younger than 75 years
Among adults younger than 75 years, those with multiple social determinants of health were at more than a 2.5-fold greater risk for stroke than those without any, according to new data from the REGARDS study. Read more
Drone delivery of AED for cardiac arrest may result in earlier CPR
Delivery by drones of automated external defibrillators for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest was feasible and, in simulations, resulted in faster initiation of CPR, researchers reported. Read more
CPR, implicit bias training and lessons for the medical community
Healio spoke with the past president of the American College of Cardiology about the potential societal benefits of requiring CPR training for public employees, how better understanding of human physiology could help reduce disparities in health and other areas, and how these lessons can be applied to the practice of medicine. Read more
Discrimination increases hypertension risk among African American adults
Lifetime discrimination increased the risk for hypertension among African American participants from the Jackson Heart Study, researchers found. Read more
Bempedoic acid with statins safely reduces LDL in hypercholesterolemia
Bempedoic acid with maximally tolerated statins safely decreased LDL compared with placebo among patients with hypercholesterolemia, researchers found. Read more