AHA launches campaign to promote fruit, vegetable consumption
The American Heart Association is launching an initiative to support eating the daily recommended amount of fruits and vegetables, according to a press release.
Recent estimates show that in the U.S. about 10% or fewer children and adults get the recommended daily dose of 4.5 cups of total fruits and vegetables per day. The AHA is launching this campaign, Healthy for Good Movement, in conjunction with National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month in June, to address this gap, according to a press release from the association.
During the month of June, the campaign is sharing more than 20 recipes as well as tips to help people add more fruits and vegetables into their diet, in addition to reducing bad fats and lowering cholesterol and sodium intake.
“The Healthy for Good movement is designed to equip and empower individuals to take small steps today to make a big difference tomorrow,” Annessa Chumbley, RD, registered dietitian and AHA spokesperson, said in the release. “Regardless of where you are in your health and wellness journey, Healthy for Good can inspire and motivate you with simple and creative snacking options or ‘better-for-you-versions’ of your favorite meals.”
More information can be found on social media and heart.org/recipes.