May 30, 2017
3 min watch

VIDEO: Expert discusses calcium scoring for lipid management

PHILADELPHIA — In this Cardiology Today video perspective from the National Lipid Association Scientific Sessions, Michael J. Blaha, MD, MPH, discusses the use of coronary artery calcium scoring for risk prediction and management of lipid disorders, specifically in patients who need more aggressive therapies.

According to Blaha, director of clinical research at Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease and a Cardiology Today Next Gen Innovator, calcium scoring is an easy, low-cost test that can help lipidologists determine which patients are the highest risk, and can help identify “primary and a half prevention” patients, defined as “a patient not at primary prevention risk and not quite at secondary prevention risk, but in between, who needs aggressive lipid-lowering therapy.

“Expect to see calcium scoring a bigger part of future guidelines from both the NLA and the [American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association],” Blaha said.