July 06, 2016
2 min watch

VIDEO: Uric acid levels in patients with ACS suggest increased risk for CAD, represent predictive tool

CHICAGO — Stefan James, MD, PhD, of Uppsala University in Sweden, discusses new knowledge on the relationships between uric acid levels and the risks for developing CAD or long-term complications from the disease at the annual ACC Scientific Session.

“It’s pretty clear … that high levels of uric acid, the existence of clinical gout, is strongly associated with the development of coronary disease because it is linked with the metabolic disorders diabetes, hypertension and overweight,” he says. “It’s a very clean, important and easy-to-use clinical sign to point out patients who would have high risk of developing complications.”

After providing investigator perspective from research on 18,000 patients with ACS, James acknowledges that treatment options are still unclear and highlights a potential pharmacologic approach that is being studied. In the meantime, he emphasizes lifestyle modifications as a preventive strategy.