June 25, 2016
2 min watch

VIDEO: Understanding nurses’ role in reducing readmissions

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. – In this video, Kim Newlin, RN, CNS, NP-C, FPCNA, of Sutter Roseville Medical Center in Roseville, Calif., discusses on the nurses’ role in understanding and shaping health policy as well as in reducing readmissions.

Newlin encouraged the audience “to look at the work that they’re doing at the beside and create new opportunities” related to transitions in care and preventing readmissions, which can be achieved through shared-decision making and motivational interviewing. She also emphasized the importance of having “a seat at the table.”

“With the current state of health care, and where we’re going with the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act, the Merit-based Incentive Payment System and Alternative Payment Models, nurses need to understand the policies and make sure that they remain relevant,” Newlin said.