VIDEO: Diabetes may be risk equivalent for PAD, CAS
CHICAGO — In this video exclusive, Jeffrey S. Berger, MD, discusses new research on the prevalence of peripheral artery disease and carotid artery stenosis among patients with diabetes.
At the American College of Cardiology Scientific Session, Berger and colleagues reported data from the Life Line Vascular Screening program on more than 3.6 million participants in the United States. The researchers’ goal was to evaluate the association between diabetes and different vascular diseases.
According to the findings, patients with diabetes had a very high risk for PAD and CAS.
“What this tells the health care professional is that if you’re seeing a diabetic in front of you, you don’t only have to worry about coronary disease, you have to worry about disease in other beds,” said Berger, assistant professor and director of cardiovascular thrombosis at New York University Langone Medical Center, said in a video interview.
Berger said areas for future research include screening and preventive strategies in this high-risk population.