VIDEO: Emmanouil S. Brilakis, MD, PhD, highlights new approaches in CTO PCI
SAN FRANCISCO — In this exclusive video for, Emmanouil S. Brilakis, MD, PhD, interventional cardiologist at VA North Texas Health Care System and UT Southwestern Medical School, and Cardiology Today’s Intervention editorial board member, discusses lessons learned on chronic total occlusion interventions from TCT 2015.
“CTO PCI continues to evolve,” Brilakis said. “There are many, many technical tips and tricks.”
He focuses on the fresh insights TCT attendees gleaned on the use of guidewires for CTO interventions in a “packed” symposium and greater understanding of coronary perforations gathered in another “well-attended” session focusing on complications.
Brilakis goes on to detail a few specific approaches to treat perforations of epicardial collaterals in patients with previous coronary bypass that, although once “considered benign,” could be “much worse” than in patients without previous bypass.