Issue: May 2010
May 01, 2010
1 min read


Diuretic Optimization Strategies Evaluation in Acute Heart Failure

Issue: May 2010

Trial assessed effect of both high and low doses of furosemide administered either continuously or every 12 hours on fluid overload in patients with acute decompensated HF.

Design: randomized
Patients: 308
Centers: multicenter
Country: United States

RESULTS: A trend toward greater symptom resolution in patients receiving the high dose over 72 hours (P=.06), whose median change in creatinine from baseline to 72 hours was 0.06 mg/dL in the high-dose group vs. 0.01 mg/dL in the low-dose group (P=.21), was reported. Secondary endpoints such as change in weight at 72 hours (low dose, –5.3 lb vs. high dose, –8.2 lb; P=.011), net volume loss at 72 hours (low dose, 3,575 mL vs. high-dose, 4,899 mL; P<.001) and percentage with creatinine increase >0.3 mg/dL at 72 hours (low-dose, 14% vs. highdose, 23%; P=.041) also tended to favor high-dose furosemide.

Presented at ACC 2010.

Click here to read more about the DOSE trial.